Aside from brushing them with mascara every morning, do you ever stop to give your eyelashes any thought? There’s actually a great deal of science behind your eyelashes that you may take for granted.
Much like acupuncture and essential oils, ear candles were used in ancient times as a simple and effective solution to ear-based problems, only to be buried by the growth of Western medicine and pharmacology. Today, however, ear candles are making a comeback as more people turn to alternative medicine in an effort to escape the dangerous cycle of pharmaceutical drugs. If you’ve never utilized ear candles before, you may be picturing someone sticking a birthday candle in their ears. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this incredible treatment. Read More →
Life happens, and between getting the kids to and from school, meeting demands at work, and keeping up with that growing pile of laundry in the bathroom, it’s all too easy to skimp on your skincare routine. If you’ve noticed that your skin is looking dull and damaged, or if you want to look your very best for a wedding or reunion next month, a microdermabrasion treatment is an excellent choice to get your skin back into shape.
Even for people who enjoyed the benefits of fast metabolism in their youth, age has a way of causing body fat to stick around longer and show more resistance to finally leaving the body. That is one of the reasons that cold laser therapy has become so popular for non-invasive fat loss results. When healthy eating and exercise just don’t cut it, cold laser therapy can target those final stubborn pounds. Not familiar with cold laser therapy? Here are the four things you should know. Read More →
There’s nothing quite like a gorgeous set of eyelash extensions to help you feel sexy and confident, so it makes sense that you want your extensions to last as long as possible. It’s silly to take the time and money to get lash extensions if you are going to neglect their care.
Remember, eyelash extensions are just what they sound like- carefully added pieces of lashes that extend your normal eyelashes into thick, dramatic beauties. They are available in various shapes, sizes, colors, and materials, and can last up to six weeks until your natural lash falls out in its normal shedding cycle. In order to enjoy every minute of those six weeks, abide by these rules. Read More →
It’s easy to take a clean, white set of teeth for granted until you no longer have it, but fortunately we live in a day and age when just about any cosmetic problem can be fixed with just a smidge of time, money, and care. If you do any of the following three things, teeth whitening should become a priority for you.
You Avoid Smiling or Engaging in Face-to-Face Conversations
It’s quite a difficult task to talk and laugh with others without showing your teeth. An old episode of the famous sitcom Friends made light of that fact when Ross whitened his teeth about six shades too white before heading out on a date with his sister’s coworker. He spent the rest of the evening hiding his mouth behind slices of bread and his glass of wine, unable to really participate in the conversation. If you are embarrassed by your teeth because they are dark and stained, all you need to do is receive professional teeth whitening to once again join in on every laugh, smile, and conversation you can. Read More →
You’ve no doubt heard the benefits and perks of laser treatments touted in a number of commercials and advertisements, from laser hair removal to laser skin resurfacing and laser eye surgery. You might be thinking that lasers are the end all-be all to medical care… and you wouldn’t be wrong! Scientists and doctors have uncovered and developed so many incredible uses of laser power that you can now alleviate just about any problem or condition with the help of lasers. Cold laser treatment in particular is growing in popularity thanks to its many applications on the body, particularly for fat loss and contouring. Read More →
Eyelashes exist on mammals strictly for evolutionary and survival purposes, but for thousands of years eyelashes have served as an element of beauty enhancement, especially for women. Today, eyelash extensions and eyelash tinting are two of the most popular eyelash services utilized by women (and now men as well!) looking to emphasize the beauty of their eyes and add a bit of subtle drama to their appearance. Which one is the best service for your needs?Read More →
Women typically get all of the attention when it comes to glamorous eyelashes, but why should men be left out? More cosmetic salons and extension manufacturers are dipping into a new niche market to help men enhance their eyelashes just like women have always done.
About Eyelash Extensions
Lash extensions are similar to regular hair extensions; a synthetic, silk, or mink lash is glued to each individual eyelash in sizes ranging from 6 mm to 17 mm. A special semi-permanent glue keeps the fake lash attached to the real lash, and different types of glue can be used to avoid any allergic reactions or sensitivities. Read More →
It sounds like a silly word, but the manzilian is a legitimate service that men across the nation are flocking to utilize. We all know that a Brazilian is the service of choice for women looking to groom their most private and sensitive areas, but until now men did not have an equivalent option.
Also called “manscaping,” men are using this procedure to eliminate the hair in their nether regions so that they can feel comfortable, confident, and attractive. Here is what you should know about the procedure. Read More →