What Happens When Men Use Eyelash Extensions?

eyelashes manWomen typically get all of the attention when it comes to glamorous eyelashes, but why should men be left out? More cosmetic salons and extension manufacturers are dipping into a new niche market to help men enhance their eyelashes just like women have always done.

About Eyelash Extensions

Lash extensions are similar to regular hair extensions; a synthetic, silk, or mink lash is glued to each individual eyelash in sizes ranging from 6 mm to 17 mm. A special semi-permanent glue keeps the fake lash attached to the real lash, and different types of glue can be used to avoid any allergic reactions or sensitivities.

A full set might take up to two hours to be applied, and touch ups are needed every month since lashes naturally shed every three to four weeks. Most people begin with a half set of lash extensions, covering about half of the top lashes, to make sure they don’t cause problems and to get a feel for what extensions are like.

There are many myths about eyelash extensions, with some claiming that that extensions can ruin natural lashes, glue eyelids together, and more. None of these assertions are true as long as the person applying the extensions is an experienced professional and not a scam artist!

Do Men Need Extensions?

According to the UK company Eylure, yes! This company now offers Men’s False Eyelashes that can be applied independently, and this has led the way to a rise in popularity with extensions. Men use extensions to emphasize their eyes and balance their faces with a youthful, fresh appearance.

Chances are these men aren’t trying to rival Kim Kardashian for her lash drama; they simply want to enhance their appearance. This is especially true for men who have very sparse eyelashes and feel self-conscious about that aspect of their face.

As time goes on, more and more men will gravitate toward the unlikely service of eyelash extensions to bolster their confidence and attain the appearance they desire.