Three Reasons to Get an Airbrush Spray Tan
Summer is here, and your vacation is looming. If you’ve been working hard so far this year, you probably haven’t had much time to visit a tanning bed or lie out by the pool. If your skin is still much paler than you’d like, an airbrush spray tan can give you the look you crave, just in time for your beach vacation. Here are three excellent reasons to get an airbrush spray tan.
Fast Results
Unlike going to a tanning bed, you can get immediate results with a spray tan. You will have beautifully tanned skin right away, without having to make multiple trips over the course of weeks or months. If you haven’t been able to get a tan the traditional way or from a tanning bed, a spray tan can give you the look you want for your beach vacation or weekend getaway without forethought or a lot of advance notice.
Limit Sun Exposure
Sun exposure can be detrimental to your skin and your health. A tanning bed is really just concentrated and directed sunlight. Tanning beds use the same type of UV rays that come from the sun to give you that beautiful tan. This can cause skin problems and other health issues, or with extended use can even lead to skin cancer. A spray tan is much safer and does not expose you to the sun. You can use sunblock after the spray tan to protect yourself while maintaining your tan while out and about.
Convenient and Affordable
Getting an airbrush spray tan is convenient and affordable. You can get a tan in a brief appointment in one afternoon. You can make sure that you will be able to take time out of your busy day to get the spray tan. And because you get results with the first treatment, you don’t have to worry about future scheduling. It is also affordable when compared to the cost of multiple trips to the tanning salon.
If you are interested in getting an airbrush spray tan, contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.