Do You Need Lash Extensions or Tinting?

smokey eyeEyelashes exist on mammals strictly for evolutionary and survival purposes, but for thousands of years eyelashes have served as an element of beauty enhancement, especially for women. Today, eyelash extensions and eyelash tinting are two of the most popular eyelash services utilized by women (and now men as well!) looking to emphasize the beauty of their eyes and add a bit of subtle drama to their appearance. Which one is the best service for your needs? Read More

What Happens When Men Use Eyelash Extensions?

eyelashes manWomen typically get all of the attention when it comes to glamorous eyelashes, but why should men be left out? More cosmetic salons and extension manufacturers are dipping into a new niche market to help men enhance their eyelashes just like women have always done.

About Eyelash Extensions

Lash extensions are similar to regular hair extensions; a synthetic, silk, or mink lash is glued to each individual eyelash in sizes ranging from 6 mm to 17 mm. A special semi-permanent glue keeps the fake lash attached to the real lash, and different types of glue can be used to avoid any allergic reactions or sensitivities. Read More