The Top 3 Reasons to Get a Spray Tan

spray tanSpray tans have been the punch line of quite a few jokes over the years, but technology has reinvented the spray tan as we know it. The idea that a spray tan can turn you orange is nothing but a myth, after all. If you’re eager for gorgeous, glowing skin that looks naturally and subtly tanned, then a spray tan is your best option.

Save Your Skin… and Your Life Read More

Hair Removal the Sweet Way: With Sugar!

sugar hair removalBody hair isn’t wildly popular in America, as proven by the popularity of waxing and laser hair removal procedures. However, waxing and laser treatments each have their downfalls. The good news is that the alternative isn’t the dreaded razor, but rather a completely natural form of hair removal that’s even edible! It’s called sugaring, and once you start you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

The Downsides of Waxing and Laser Treatments Read More